리그오브레전드/롤 HOT ISSUE

[LOL]다리우스 신스킨 _ 덩크마스터(레전더리 스킨)

다락봇 2014. 8. 15. 22:05

[LOL]다리우스 신스킨 _ 덩크마스터(레전더리 스킨)

레전더리 스킨

덩크마스터 다리우스(전설급,1820RP)


Concept Art

Riot Games - Spain, confirmed it on their Final Cup livestream, no official release date yet, but one has to imagine soon with this announcement


Skill Overview:

스킬 스크린샷

Confirmed to have:

애니메이션 변화New Animations

  • 애니메이션 변화  [New Animations]
  • 댄스,도발,유머 변화  [New Dance/Taunt/Jokes]

  • 궁극기 r스킬 애니메이션 변화  [New Ultimate Animation]

  • 사운드 변화  [New Sound FX]

Things they covered

  • Current issues with animations? Sort of saying it as a joke (showing pictures of stretched images)

  • Showing off all new animations + SFX

Confirmed to be a legendary skin

  • Confirmed through stream (mass slaughtering of little Annies to show DUNKMASTER DARIUS IS LEGENDARY!)

Obligatory Space-jam Music:

영상은 현재 비공개상태인듯합니다.

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